Operation can vary between 4-8 hours, depending on the number of grafts taken
You will not feel anything because you are under general anesthesia during surgery. However, postoperative pain is an expected condition. Don't worry about that. Because simple painkillers offer a solution to this issue. Within a few days you will not have pain.
Tickle, back, knee, arm, nape, hand, breast, wrist, abdomen, waist, hip
Especially during the first week of recovery, it is important to use the corset without creasing.When seated, the rest is beneficial by extending and lifting the legs.Take plenty of fluids.Depending on the extent of the application, a painful period of several days will be experienced. The recommended drugs should be used during this period. It is useful to adopt sports and healthy nutrition as a lifestyle in the future. The continuation and protection of the magic touches offered is important because they depend on them.